Unix Commands


 which -- locate a program file in the user's path

 Example: which helm

echo $OLDPWD - OLDPWD holds the location where you were previously

groups - command displays the groups to which current user belongs


chgrp - Change groupname for a file/folder

chown - change owner of a file/folder

find . -mtime 0 - files created in last 24 hours

Iperf - a tool for network performance measurement and tuning.

passwd < username > - change password for the user

workload identity GKE

set -x enables a mode of the shell where all executed commands are printed to the terminal

set +x disables it

df -h

free -m



To run a cammand assigned to a variable:

l = ls



There are a few shortcuts if you want all of the arguments from the previous command, or just the last argument.

For all of the arguments: <command> !*

For just the last argument: <command> !$

I/O Redirection:


crontab -l

Will list crontab jobs

!! - rerun previous command

crontab -e

rsync -Rrui app/build "$context_dir"

##############################     PARAMETERS  START #######################################################################


$@ is nearly the same as

$*, both meaning "all command line arguments".

$# = stores the number of arguments


##############################     PARAMETERS   END #######################################################################

##############################     USER MANAGEMENT START   ##################################################################

useradd <username>:

To add a new user

passwd <username>:

To setup a password for the user

##############################     USER MANAGEMENT END   ##################################################################

##############################     STRING START   ##################################################################

realpath - converts filename to absolute path

basename - Strips directory information

dirname - Prints the directory name under which current file/directory is placed

echo ${#var} - echos length of var variable

echo ${var:15:4} - extracts and echos 4 characters starting from index 15

##############################     STRING END   ##################################################################

Crontab -e to schedule a job

crontab -l to list the jobs

crontab -u username -l

crontab -r to remove a job


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