GCP Notes

 retrieve gserviceaccount key:

gcloud iam service-accounts keys create key.json --iam-account=drx-payment-deployer@ld-drx-prod.iam.gserviceaccount.com

Activate Service Account:

gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=service-account-key-file.json

gcloud auth activate-service-account serves the same function as gcloud auth login but uses a service account rather than Google user credentials.

See list of active account:

gcloud auth list

See configuration for log sink:

gcloud logging sinks describe ld-drx-prod  --project=ld-shipyard | grep serviceAccount

gcloud container clusters get-credentials prod-nezbleu --region us-east1 --project ld-shipyard

In stateless we don't need blue green. We can use rolling deployment.

*********************************  GCE  *********************************

Login to a machine you own which does not have an external IP. This will work only if IAP is enabled.

gcloud compute ssh machine-name --tunnel-through-iap

*********************************  SERVICES  *********************************

Command to check the list of services that are enable currently for this project

gcloud services list

*********************************  ORG  *********************************

If you don't want default VPC create on project creation you can disable it at organization level

*********************************  GKE  *********************************

How do you upgrade the GKE Cluster


Connect to a GKE cluster using a service account. SSH into a POD using a service account

# kubectl config view - just to check current kubectl config

gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=/Documents/code/payment-dec-sa.json

# gcloud auth list - to verify that service account has been activated

gcloud container clusters get-credentials prod-blue --region us-east1 --project my-shipyard

kubectl config use-context gke_ld-shipyard_us-east1_prod-blue

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=drx-payment-dev

# kubectl config view - to verify the changes

# kubectl get pods -n drx-payment-dev  - to verify access

kubectl exec my-payment-service-f87794d64-gxp4g -it -- /bin/bash




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