Git Commands


Git squash:

git reset -soft d0b8a84d

git commit -m "squashed everything after d0b8a84d"

git push -f

git checkout my_branch

git reset --soft HEAD~4

git commit

git push --force origin my_branch


git fetch:

is the command that tells your local git to retrieve the latest meta-data info from the original

(yet doesn’t do any file transferring. It’s more like just checking to see if there are any changes available).

git pull:

on the other hand does that AND brings (copy) those changes from the remote repository.

git config --global ""

git submodule:

git rm --cached file-name:

removes the file from staging area

git branch -m <old> <new>:

To rename a specific branch

git push origin -d branch_name:

Remove a remote branch

git branch -d branch_name:

Delete a branch locally

git remote add upstream git-url-from-which-fork-was-done
